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Sunningwell Bells
The Bells of St Leonards have been silent for too long; however, the Band are optimistic that at some point before the Solstice, our Sunday cadences will once again welcome worshipers to Prayer. Some of our ringers have been able to “keep their hands in” by ringing at other local churches where occasional ringing has taken place. Throughout the long silence of 2020, the Band have been kept up to date with the latest information and news from CCCBR and ONB through emails from branch secretaries and local contact persons and this has been particularly useful (and much appreciated) in providing the latest interpretation and possible implementation of pandemic government rules and advice with regard to ringing.
On account of the seniority of some of the Band members, the confined nature of the spiral staircase access to the ringing chamber and the proximity of the ropes and limited ventilation of the chamber, no ringing has taken place for most of 2020 and none is currently anticipated until it is clear that it is demonstrably safe to do so. We all sincerely hope that we will be able to resume our familiar Sunday ritual by the time the Solstice comes around.
Mike Wykes